(VIDEO) Victor Scutaru from Edinet built a photovoltaic park for his 80 ha of modern orchards

Victor Scutaru from Edinet opened a fruit-growing business in 2003. Now, the entrepreneur owns 80 ha of modern apple and cherry orchards, and recently, thanks to financial support from the European Union, he built a photovoltaic park, which ensures his energy independence.

The entrepreneur has doubled the area of his orchards and modernized them over 20 years.

“We started with a traditional orchard, but now we have changed the whole orchard into a super-intensive, modern orchard with modern varieties (…) we have an area of 80 hectares, of which 10 hectares are cherry orchards. We have about 56 hectares of apples, which are also modern varieties. We export to Europe and the Russian Federation. ODA financed us. Out of the 4 million lei used to install solar batteries, ODA financed 50%, returning 2 million lei to us, of which AIPA financed another 50%. It is convenient because out of 100%, it costs us 25% of the whole project,” said the entrepreneur.


Victor Scutaru’s story is part of the campaign launched by the REALITATEA Press Group: “Moldova Chooses Europe,” in which we tell about successful businesses launched in Moldova with financial support from the European Union.

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