(VIDEO) “Moldova Chooses Europe” campaign in Balti. What is the residents’ position on membership?

“Only to Europe, to Russia, we do not turn. We have forgotten the way. We no longer have anything in common with Russia,” and “I think Moldova will be better off outside the European Union. Prices have risen, wages have fallen, but there are no improvements like in Europe, nor will there be”. These are just some of the opinions of the inhabitants of the municipality of Balti on the EU accession process. People hold divided opinions, but most believe we should maintain good relations with the EU and Russia.

“Moldova has only one way to the European Union,” said one local.

“I don’t want in the European Union. No. They have their shortcomings. It’s not as they boast,” said a local.

Those who want to see Moldova part of the EU also explained why.


“If we choose EU integration, it will be good. Why? Because in European countries, the most important thing is the life of people, children, education, money, prosperity, a good and secure life, a happy future,” said one man.

“I would be proud to join the European Union and have our salaries match theirs. I believe we are moving in the right direction,” added a woman.

The Vox, conducted in the city of Balti, is part of the campaign launched by the REALITATEA Press Group: “Moldova Chooses Europe,” where we go to cities across the country and talk to citizens about Moldova’s accession to the European Union.

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