
Start of registration for the 2024 elections! Moldova begins the nomination and enrollment of electoral candidates

On Wednesday, August 21, the nomination and registration of electoral candidates for the presidential elections and the referendum on EU accession begins. The elections and the EU accession referendum will take place on October 20, 2024.

According to current legislation, a candidate for the presidency of Moldova must form an initiative group. The candidate must submit the required documents to the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) no later than 50 days before the election day. The CEC will review the submissions within three days and make a decision.

”The deadline for submitting the paperwork to register initiative groups is August 31, 2024, inclusive. At the same time, the procedure for registering presidential candidates will take place. Initiative groups will need to collect signatures to support the candidates.

The subscription lists must include at least 15,000 and no more than 25,000 signatures from supporters collected from at least half of the second-level administrative-territorial units in Moldova. Each unit must have collected at least 600 signatures to be considered valid,” according to the Central Electoral Commission (CEC).


The subscription lists with collected signatures and the required documents must be submitted to the CEC for review by September 20, 2024.

Starting August 21, 2024, political parties and electoral blocs can apply to the CEC to register as participants in the referendum. They must submit their applications by September 20, 2024, inclusive.

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