President Sandu met with the former President of Estonia. They discussed the European integration process

On Wednesday, September 4th, President Maia Sandu met with former Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves, who was visiting Chisinau. The officials talked about Estonia’s experience with European integration and the insights our country can gain from its path to joining the EU.

”Ilves, who served as Foreign Minister during Estonia’s preparations for EU accession and later as President for two terms after accession, played a crucial role in transforming his country. During the discussions, the Presidency highlighted Estonia’s success in digitalization, which significantly contributed to the fight against corruption and increased citizens’ trust in state institutions,” the statement said.

At the same time, the head of state mentioned that this country is a reliable friend of the Republic of Moldova.


“Estonia is a trusted friend of Moldova. With its support, we are progressing towards modernization and European integration,” said Maia Sandu.

The Republic of Estonia regained its independence in 1991 and joined the European Union in 2004. In its 20 years as an EU member, the average gross salary in the country has nearly quintupled, rising from around 400 euros in 2004 to about 1900 euros by 2024. Meanwhile, life expectancy has increased by about years, reaching 79 years in 2023. These achievements demonstrate the positive impact of European integration on the living standards of Estonian citizens and serve as an inspiration for the Republic of Moldova, which is now at a crucial stage in its modernization and European integration.

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