The Supreme Security Council reconvened. Is the liquidation of the PA and PCCOCS being discussed?

Maia Sandu convened the Supreme Security Council on Monday, January 20. Presidential spokesman Igor Zaharov confirmed the meeting to Realitatea.

According to Zaharov, officials will announce details of the topics discussed after the meeting. Meanwhile, journalists from Ziarul de Garda reported that the council may discuss the liquidation of the Prosecutor’s Office for Anti-Corruption (PA) and the Prosecutor’s Office for Combating Organized Crime and Special Cases (PCCOCS).

Sources consulted by the Realitatea newsroom claim that the discussions also focus on electoral and political corruption.


The report notes that authorities plan to replace the two institutions with an entity. Maia Sandu had previously proposed establishing an Anti-Corruption Court, similar to institutions across the Prut.

The Supreme Security Council last met the previous week, focusing on energy security and the crisis instigated by the Kremlin on the left bank of the Dniester.

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