A new candidate for president?Kommersant: Natalia Morari could run in Moldova’s presidential elections

Natalia Morari could run in the presidential elections in Moldova. The Russian publication Kommersant analyzed potential candidates for the October 20 elections and reported, concerning sources they did not specify, about the journalist’s intention to become an electoral contestant.

The Kommersant journalists also wrote about the possible participation of Irina Vlah in the elections and the support of Alexandr Stoianoglo’s candidacy in the elections by the Socialists.

The publication also notes that Morari supported Sandu until 2020 and writes about the journalist’s relationship with Veaceslav Platon, noting that the latter fled to London and is in trouble with the law, including in the Russian Federation.


Alexandr Stoianoglo, Ion Chicu, Renato Usatii, Maia Sandu, Maia Sandu, Tudor Ulianovschi, and Andrei Nastase announced their intention to run for the presidency. There are rumors that Irina Vlah and several other party leaders or people who have recently emerged in the Moldovan political scene could also run.

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