Alexandru Tanase: Moldova – the “spoiled child” of the EU

The organization of the European Political Community Summit in the Republic of Moldova is an important event, but it will not overnight catapult us into the European Union. This is according to former President of the Constitutional Court, Alexandru Tanase.

“During the period of Independence, during the communist period, during the Alliance for European Integration period, and even until today, the Republic of Moldova is a spoiled child of Europe. Significant agreements have been concluded at the European level, which have facilitated exports to the European Union, including after the Russian embargo, as well as the elimination of the visa regime. The current government has known how to use the political situation, including the war in Ukraine, to sign the pre-accession agreement. I don’t think anyone expects any strong messages at this summit. Chisinau has been sending strong messages over the past few years,” Alexandru Tanase said in an interview with the title “European Political Community Summit in the Republic of Moldova: historic event, regional context, and open opportunities”, conducted by IPN news agency.

According to Tanase, the European Union would rather expect an acceleration in the pace of implementation of reforms, particularly in terms of technical harmonization of legislation. “Legislation should be harmonized quickly if we do not want to wait another 30 years. There are not enough intellectual and professional resources in Moldova to cope with this avalanche. It will not be a simple matter. Political will alone does not produce any results if there is no technical aspect, which consists of day-to-day work. There are a number of very important projects, including justice reform, which is in a serious deadlock. It is a complicated process, but I think it would be much better if we were to send messages where we have succeeded in doing something and somehow show a dynamic. It does not necessarily have to be a fast one, but it must be accompanied by calculated, thought-out, well-planned actions that would achieve certain results, not just momentary ones but lasting ones,” says Alexandru Tanase. When asked if the war in Ukraine favored the organization of the summit in the Republic of Moldova, Alexandru Tanase mentioned that “it is a speculative issue.”


“We need to understand the logic of this European political community, not to get carried away with cold water. This does not mean that we will become EU members tomorrow. The idea of this European political community stems from that egocentric theory that there should be a so-called Europe of the three circles: the states with the strongest economies in the EU, then the EU member states that are not part of the eurozone, plus some states that are advanced in the accession process, such as the Republic of Moldova, Serbia, Ukraine, Georgia, etc. The expansion and modeling of this format has a different target than sending a strong pre-accession message. The goal is to modify certain treaties that formed the basis of the EU, so that EU states can obtain certain rights as they advance in certain areas. Macron (French President Emmanuel Macron) was the last one to give a clear outline in this direction and was accepted by all EU leaders. For the Republic of Moldova, we could anticipate this event as an antechamber of the EU, where several states want to get and will only succeed when they adjust their economy, justice, human rights to European standards,” Alexandru Tanase continued.

However, the former President of the Constitutional Court noted that, in addition to other things that we need to keep in mind, “the perceptions of society towards the proximity to the EU, NATO, as well as the attitude of society towards Russia should also be changed. You cannot have a pro-European government, but have a population that considers Vladimir Putin a leader,” concluded Alexandru Tanase.

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