Assistance in the fight against crime and terrorism: the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moldova signed an agreement with the GS Foundation

The Memorandum of Understanding, which will strengthen the capacity of the General Inspectorate of Police and the Border Police in the fight against crime and terrorism, was signed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) of Moldova and the German Global Security Sector Reform Foundation (GS Foundation).

The cooperation provides two major projects worth more than €6.8 million.

“The Border Police unit responsible for airspace surveillance and image analysis will be equipped with IT equipment. And the border guards will cooperate with experts from the European Union Satellite Center (EU SatCen), continuing to exchange information necessary for decision-making in the context of foreign and security policy of Europe.”

The agreement also provides for strengthening the capabilities of the Police General Inspectorate in the field of analysis and investigation of crimes, neutralization, and transportation of explosive devices.

“Control rooms of all police units will be equipped with modern equipment and software that will allow analyzing, storing, and promptly transmitting information from public space, taking into account possible risks of provoking social destabilization. The equipment will improve interaction with the 112 services and promptly transfer information to mobile rapid response teams. It is also planned to equip the Police General Inspectorate with new cars.”

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