Border Police of the Republic of Moldova Equipped with Vehicles through EU Support

The Border Police of the Republic of Moldova has acquired 30 new service vehicles, thanks to the support of the European Union. These vehicles are equipped with advanced communication technologies and specialized equipment and will be deployed to the tactical units of the institution.

“Mobility is a crucial factor in border interventions, and these vehicles will provide border police with rapid and flexible access in various environments and terrain conditions. Their use will contribute to better mobility and increased operational capabilities of the personnel, including enhancing border security and efficiently managing the flow of migrants,” as stated on the Facebook page of the Border Police.


The new vehicles were procured under the project “Supporting the protection, transit, voluntary and informed return, and reintegration of citizens of the Eastern Partnership and third-country nationals affected by the conflict in Ukraine.” The project is funded by the European Union and implemented by the International Organization for Migration Moldova.

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