Change for all Romanians requiring an ID card, criminal record check, or driver’s license

Bogdan Ivan: The first applications on the government cloud platform are ready. The applications aim to streamline procedures such as obtaining ID cards, driver’s licenses, or criminal records.

Bogdan Ivan also emphasized that they target “around 60-70 public services by the end of next year.” The applications will interconnect with various ministries, each having its platform, added the Minister of Digitalization in Romania.

“The objective is to update these systems to 2024 technology and standardize them to a common technical language,” Bogdan Ivan added.

Bogdan Ivan further explained that beneficiaries will no longer need to go in person to obtain a land registry extract or a tax certificate to secure funding from APIA (Agency for Payments and Intervention in Agriculture).

The APIA official can access information directly using the PNC (Personal Numeric Code). The same will apply to the urbanism certificate or construction permit.

Bogdan Ivan considers that “some people will be hesitant, in good faith,” towards these new modern methods of obtaining documents.


Furthermore, the minister stated that “no one will be laid off from administrations,” especially the “local ones.” Employees will no longer perform repetitive tasks but will monitor the workflow in the new system.

Digitalization will primarily replace public sector employees who will retire over the next three years. Additionally, the Ministry of Digitalization has launched a €20 million program to train 30,000 public sector employees to work with these digital tools, according to   

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