Chisinau-Bratislava Talks: Recean and Fico on Revitalizing Political and Economic Ties

The revitalization of political and economic ties between Chisinau and Bratislava, as well as the European path of the Republic of Moldova, were the topics discussed yesterday during the online meeting between Prime Minister Dorin Recean and his Slovak counterpart, Robert Fico, reports MOLDPRES citing the Executive’s Communication Directorate.

Officials expressed their commitment to invigorating the common-interest bilateral dialogue between our two countries. They also discussed the possibilities of expanding economic and investment cooperation between the Republic of Moldova and Slovakia.


Prime Minister Dorin Recean thanked his Slovak counterpart for the support provided to the Republic of Moldova through the SlovakAid program and Slovakia’s contribution to the development of the online platform of the Energy Vulnerability Fund.

Prime Minister Robert Fico congratulated the Moldovan authorities on the progress made in the European integration process and expressed Slovakia’s support for our country’s European path.

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