Cristina Gherasimov is currently on a working visit to Berlin. Discussions will be held with senior officials

Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration, Cristina Gherasimov, is currently on a working visit to Germany.

“I am today on a working visit to Berlin. I will hold discussions with high-ranking officials from the Bundestag, the Federal Chancellery, and the Federal Government in the German capital. Our discussions will focus on priority issues for our country and our future in Europe. I will discuss with Anna Lührmann, Minister of State for Europe and Climate, the priority actions to maintain the momentum of Moldova’s European integration process,” Cristina Ghersimov made a post on her Facebook page.

She stated that she will give a speech at the opening of the European Conference of the Green parliamentary group in the Bundestag today.

“In the afternoon, I will deliver a speech at the opening of the European Conference of the parliamentary group of the Greens in the Bundestag. The title of the speech is ‘Strengthening Europe – managing enlargement and reforms in the EU simultaneously’.”


“It discusses Moldova’s efforts to integrate with Europe, the reforms undertaken to prepare for joining the EU, and the current challenges Moldova faces,” she also wrote.

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