Did they forget it’s a secret who they’re choosing?! Some citizens voted outside, under surveillance cameras, or instead of relatives

Several polling stations across the country are not accessible to people with disabilities. So, in Orhei, a person expressed his voting option outside the polling station at 9:05 am, and several people saw his option.

In Gavanoasa, Cahul, a video camera, in addition to that of the Central Electoral Commission, is in the upper corner of the polling station, behind the polling booths. The same situation was in the first round.

Also, at a polling station in Cahul, two voters, mother and daughter, entered the voting booth together. The younger woman put her stamp on both ballot papers, while Promo-LEX observers noticed that the older person showed no visual impairment.


Cases when several people, including relatives, voted in one booth were also recorded at polling stations in Chisinau, Durlesti, Ialoveni, Cahul, Rezina, and Cimislia. Some advised their relatives on whom to vote for.

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