Dine on the balcony of Castel Mimi and enjoy VinOpera in a family-friendly atmosphere!

For families, friend circles, and colleagues, Castel Mimi is organizing an outdoor dinner on the balcony of one of the world’s most beautiful 15 wineries during the gala evening of the International VinOpera Classical Music Festival. You can enjoy the performances of over 60 musicians and opera artists while savoring exquisite dishes and Castel Mimi wines.

The chefs have prepared a carefully curated menu, which includes three appetizers, a main course, dessert, and of course, drinks – sparkling wine and selected wines produced at the castle. The dinner will feature seafood such as shrimp and octopus, as well as Moldovan snails grown amidst the vines. This is the moment to indulge in these culinary delights on the first day of autumn.


The 6th edition of the International VinOpera Festival takes place for the first time in three different locations. The climax of the event will be on September 1st at Castel Mimi, with a grand symphonic performance featuring Opera artists from Bucharest and Chișinău, accompanied by two orchestras conducted by Romanian conductor Daniel Jinga.

The atmosphere will be heightened by the grand stage, the light show, and LED screens that will vividly capture every moment of the evening.

Experience VinOpera! Be a part of Europe’s finest wine event! For reservations, visit HERE.

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