Discover great wineries in Moldova that offer accommodation in hotels with swimming pools

Summer is here! It’s a time of travel and relaxation! Some great wineries in Moldova offer hotel accommodations with swimming pools. We have prepared for you information about their location, services, and costs.

Castel Mimi

  • Description: A historic winery near Chisinau, this hotel offers tours of the winery, tastings, and the chance to stay in stylish accommodation. There is an outdoor swimming pool, a restaurant, and a lovely garden.
  • Cost: €90 to €160 per night.

Et Cetera Winery

  • Description: The Winery in the southern part of Moldova offers cozy rooms for guests. The winery is famous for its tours, tastings, and welcoming atmosphere. There is an outdoor swimming pool and a restaurant on site.
  • Cost: from 60 to 120 euros per night.


Asconi Winery

  • Description: A cozy winery located in a picturesque area in the southern part of Moldova, in the region of Valul lui Traian. The guest house on the winery grounds has all modern amenities, including an outdoor swimming pool where guests can relax and enjoy the views of the vineyards.
  • Cost: 50 to 120 euros per night.

Prices may vary depending on the season, availability of special offers, and the type of room selected. We recommend checking current prices and room availability on the booking sites or directly with the wineries.

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