(DOC) The wave of resignations at the Chisinau Court of Appeal. Of the 38 judges, 17 are leaving

The 17 judges are resigning from the Chisinau Court of Appeal. The subject is on the agenda of the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM) meeting.

The issue will be addressed during the meeting on Tuesday, 7 May. Resignation requests have been submitted by the following judges: Sergiu Arnaut, Eugeniu Clim, Ina Dutca, Silvia Girbu, Ghenadie Lisii, Viorica Mihaila, Igor Minascurta, Veronica Negru, Anatol Pahopol, Ecaterina Palanciuc, Ion Secrieru, Stelian Teleuca, Ion Turcan, Boris Talpa, Steliana Iorgov, Liubovi Brinza, and Sergiu Daguta.

At the meeting on 7 May, the SCM is also planning to announce the competition to fill the vacancies for judges at the Court of Appeal Chisinau.


The Chisinau Court of Appeal currently has 39 judges, per the Moldovan judges’ database. Ghenadie Mira is serving as the interim president of the institution.

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