Doina Gherman addresses political parties regarding the referendum on the EU membership referendum

Deputy Parliamentary Speaker Doina Gherman has called on Moldova’s pro-European parties to support the referendum on the country’s accession to the EU. She said that European integration is a project that will benefit future generations. The statement was made during the program “Punctul pe Azi” on TVR Moldova.

“Our call is to unite around this project of the country because it is not a project of Doina Gherman, PAS or Parliament. It is a project of future generations. Today, we have this historic chance, like when we signed the application for EU membership. This is a window of opportunity that we, as responsible politicians, are obligated to take advantage of,” said Doina Gherman.

The referendum about Moldova’s accession to the European Union may be held on the same day as the presidential election. According to the ruling party PAS, both events may take place in October.


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