At the government, the second plenary meeting of the members of the Economic Council alongside the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova was held. The meeting was chaired by Prime Minister Dorin Recean. The Prime Minister thanked the business community for their efforts in promoting reforms related to business deregulation, state control reform, and the digitalization of the national economy.
Additionally, the head of the Executive spoke about the top priority of the government team – long-term economic development, as reported by
Entrepreneurs from Portugal: “In Moldova, there are many opportunities.”
“Our objective is to increase labor productivity, eliminate constraints, reduce bureaucracy and business costs, provide access to investment resources, and offer digital tools for business interactions with the state. We aim for Moldova to become the number one in the region in terms of ease of doing business,” said Dorin Recean.
The Prime Minister also discussed the 20 goals of the Government from the “European Moldova 2030” Strategy. Implementing reforms solely from these priorities could result in annual savings of 5 billion lei for businesses.
The dialogue with businesspeople and investor association representatives continued with an exposition of the problems faced by each specific sector. These include: unfair trade policies, long processing times for work permits for foreign citizens coming to work in our country, a shortage of specialists, unattractive salaries, and the need to exempt raw materials from customs duties.