Employees from the private sector, urged to ask an increase in wages

In the context of the announcement of the one-time aid of 3000 lei, Natalia Gavrilița urges the employees in the private sector to ask for an increase in wages. The statement was made by the Prime Minister, the head of the Executive noting that the authorities cannot influence it.

According to her, the Government cannot dictate wage policy to private companies. Thus, the Head of Government believes, competitiveness would be affected, and the workers should discuss the issue with the employer.


“The employer is a private person or an economic agent. The discussion about the salary increase must be with the employer. You cannot tell a private company how much to pay, because you affect competitiveness. We regulated the minimum wage and increased it. It is the only way to regulate wages in the private sector. We try to help the business through different programs”, stated Gavrilița.

The prime minister claims that salaries in the private sector are significantly higher than those in the public sector. She also mentions that in the country we have about 200,000 budgetary employees and 600,000 – in the private sector.

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