“EU accession is Moldova’s Marshall Plan,” declared the President at the Moldova Partnership Platform

The Republic of Moldova continues to face significant challenges and can only overcome them with the help of friends. President Maia Sandu made this statement at the Moldova Partnership Platform. During the conference, the head of state also emphasized that Moldova’s accession to the European Union represents the country’s “Marshall Plan,” which is crucial for a prosperous future.

Sandu emphasized that Moldova has enormous potential, but the challenges make it difficult to harness potential. She called for more direct, flexible, and rapid assistance, noting that “no country has succeeded economically without solid initial support and long-lasting partnerships.”

“Support from our European friends has played a crucial role and helped us overcome crises. Your solidarity is a clear testament to who Moldova can truly rely on. We must acknowledge another reality—the challenges remain significant and are not just ours but those of all Europe. However, we have been more affected than others. We are in a race against time. To succeed, we must close the gaps, and we will not be able to overcome these challenges without your assistance,” declared the President.

At the same time, Maia Sandu emphasized that the Republic of Moldova is firmly committed to the path of European integration:

“Growth, stability, and strengthening of the Republic of Moldova are tied to its journey toward European Union membership. Joining the European Union is Moldova’s Marshall Plan. We cannot succeed if that support is not faster, more flexible, greater, and focused on our needs.

There is a saying: ‘Where there is one, there is no power; where there are many, power grows.’ With you by our side, we are stronger. Today, Moldova stands at a crossroads, but it is not a crossroads where we are unsure of our direction; we know our path—toward a European future where peace and prosperity are the norm. Every step brings us closer to that stable future, where every citizen lives with dignity and safety.”


“We no longer have the luxury of time— we must act decisively and with greater certainty,” said the head of state.

On September 17, over 65 international delegations met in Chisinau for the fifth Support Platform for the Republic of Moldova. This event aims to focus aid from developed countries on Moldova.

Participants will create four working groups: justice and security, energy and environment, economic development and infrastructure, and public administration reform. The platform, started by Romania, Germany, and France, provides political, financial, and expert support for Moldova’s democratic reforms. Previous editions were held in Berlin, Bucharest, and Paris, with Moldova hosting the fourth.

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