Every citizen, including from the diaspora, will be able to have a mobile signature. Which are the benefits?

Every citizen of the Republic of Moldova, including from the diaspora, will be able to use his mobile signature. The statement was made by the Minister of Economy and Digitalization Dumitru Alaiba.

Some technical adjustments are coming. Later, the Mobisign service will be able to be used by citizens at home and abroad, as well as by foreign investors.

“It will be possible to manage a business in the Republic of Moldova, without having to physically be here. This is our goal”, Alaiba declares.”It will be possible to manage a business in the Republic of Moldova, without having to physically be here. This is our goal”, Alaiba said.

“MobiSign” is an electronic identity app, based on mobile applications, the tool for authenticating in the digital environment and signing electronic documents.

“The advantages of MobiSign are that users will avoid the need to use physical signatures or other forms of traditional authentication. It is providing a secure and simple solution for digital authentication.This solution will be especially useful for the diaspora and foreign investors, who want to access online services and transactions in our country”, the Minister of Economy said.

The new regulation on the activity of trusted service providers, approved by the Government, regulates the way of requesting, granting, suspending, withdrawing and resuming the validity of the accreditation certificate.

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