Everything depends on the development of the war in Ukraine: Grosu about demilitarization of Transnistria

The demilitarization of Transnistria depends on the development of the war unleashed by Putin in Ukraine. This was stated by the speaker of parliament, Igor Grosu.

As Jurnal.md reports, journalists asked the head of the legislative assembly how Moldova can “get rid” of Russian soldiers on the left bank of the Dniester and the military depot in Colbasna.

“There are no “magic” solutions. Everything will depend on the development of the war in Ukraine. There are not many of them left in Transnistria. 70% are ours, who have no great desire to die foolishly for the ideas of the dictator, Russian President Vladimir Putin. There remains the issue of ammunition. We will have to reach the geopolitical context, small states be damned but be prepared for this moment – what can be evacuated, neutralized, and liquidated. Until the problem of the illegal presence of the Russian army and munitions on our territory, we can not talk about a political solution,” – said Grosu.


Last spring, Defense Minister Anatolii Nosatii said that Russian troops illegally deployed on Moldovan territory should be unconditionally evacuated.

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