Expanding Cooperation with the EU: Republic of Moldova as a Safety Belt for the European Space

Today, the management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs met with the High European Commissioner for Internal Affairs, Ylva Johansson. They discussed about the creation of an innovative European mechanism, which will intervene in case of major crises, such as the challenges, risks and threats generated by the war in Ukraine.

The experience of this crisis has shown that the current collaboration formats provided by conventions, agreements and international treaties do not provide for rapid mechanisms regarding police and judicial cooperation, as well as increasing resilience in combating transnational crimes, similar to EU intervention for crisis management, which takes into account the mechanism of civil protection.

Officials have recognized that it is optimal to operationalize such a European intervention mechanism also in the non -European space, in the Republic of Moldova, to intervene in situations of crisis similar to the war Ukraine.

“We dare to propose the commissioner Johansson to develop a new EU internal security strategy and to include Moldova under the EU security umbrella, as a seat belt of the European space, as a premium of defense , even if Moldova is not yet a member of the EU. Commissioner Johanson has a difficult mission in these times, which is why we wish that through the intelligence and determination, to innovate intervention and war mechanisms, when the threats are diverse and so aggressive” said Ana Revenco.

At the same time, the need to strengthen the capabilities of the subdivisions are noted in the first line, to increase the level of security both at the border and on the territory of the country. In this context, the minister thanked the EU Commissioner for the aid granted in the conclusion of the cooperation agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the European Agency for Border Police and the Coast Guard (FRONTEX). The conclusion of this cooperation agreement determined to increase the resilience in the defense of the state border, provided by the Border Police of the Republic of Moldova.

“I appreciate the way in which the Ministry of Internal Affairs manages the refugee crisis. The cooperation agreement between the Republic of Moldova and Frontex was prepared and signed in record time, and during this short time, the representatives of the Frontex agency managed to form a very good team with the Border Police of the Republic of Moldova, and this is a model of cooperation. Today we discussed ways to deepen and extend our collaboration, in the field of security. Also, we analyzed the possibility to create a cooperation platform between the European Commission, the member countries and the Republic of Moldova to prevent cross -border crimes. I am anticipating the extension of our collaboration, ”said Ylva Johansson.

Similarly, during the meeting, the minister requested support on the technology and digitization side, by offering help in procuring the performing communication and monitoring equipment. We mention that, since the beginning of the mandate, the Border Police together with the Frontex representatives have participated in several operations, in which about 2000 incidents were handled, including lifting false acts, drug captures, attempts to illegally cross the border .

Also, Ylva Johansson mentioned that human trafficking is growing during the war, which is why the EU is making additional efforts to prevent this phenomenon, by creating a working group within Europol, as well as creating an action plan of 10 steps within the solidarity platform, of which the Republic of Moldova will be part.

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