Gavrilita: We’ll face a tough autumn due to the war in Ukraine

The Prime Minister, Natalia Gavrilița, started the weekly meeting of the Government with some less positive forecasts. The head of the cabinet said that a complicated autumn awaits us due to the war in Ukraine. Gavrilița asked the Minister of Agriculture, Viorel Gherciu, to come as soon as possible with a food security strategy.

“By the end of the month, the food security strategy needs to be completed. There is talk of farmers’ problems. There must be clarity for farmers. In the context of the rectification, we need to know what the necessary resources will be, given that we have decided to compensate 100% of the excise duty on diesel. We are also analyzing the way to compensate for a liter of milk, but we have to see what the mechanisms are “, said GavriliČ›a.

According to the prime ministers, the document must be finalized so that there is this predictability so that there is no anxiety because everyone understands that a complicated autumn awaits us due to the war and the logistics problems.

The Minister of Agriculture, Viorel Gherciu, claims that the project will be ready at the beginning of next week.

“We will have a draft, and at the end of the week the strategy will be made public, including the concept for excise reimbursement for small and medium enterprises,” said Gherciu.

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At the same time, Natalia Gavrilița came with some requests to the Minister of Environment, Iuliana Cantaragiu.

“Also in preparation for the autumn, Mrs. Cantaragiu must prioritize the topics related to the supply of wood. Please this is the main topic to work on to have a wood supply program. Let’s make sure prices don’t go up. If we need to ask for outside assistance. The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection has a mechanism to reduce the energy vulnerability, which will provide certain targeted compensations for gas, electricity, heat, but action is also needed on the wood supply side “, said GavriliČ›a.

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