Igor Grosu: Interpol to audit Moldovan representative office

Interpol will conduct an audit of its representative office in Moldova. Igor Grosu made the statement to the press, announcing that Interpol would conduct checks in the context of the corruption scandal involving the organization’s office in our country.

The request came from the Central Bureau of the Interpol organization in Lyon, France, which will carry out the checks, Moldova 1 notes. Grosu, however, has no information about the country from which the officers responsible for the checks will come.

“I know that an audit has been requested from the center in Lyon to come and audit the Interpol subdivision in Moldova. I don’t know if they will be specifically French experts, but I know that from the central, but already when better to answer you the Interior Ministry, they know the details,” said Igor Grosu.


At the beginning of June, the head of the Interpol Moldova office was detained and remanded in custody. The anti-corruption prosecutor’s office has announced that it has carried out dozens of searches in a case concerning the taking and offering of bribes. Specifically, officials allegedly received money to delete “red notices” that flag internationally wanted criminals.

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