International Romani Day celebration in the Republic of Moldova came with promises made by MP’s

Members of the Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights and Interethnic Relations participated in events dedicated to International Romani Day. The events took place inside the House of Nationalities with the participation of the Roma community from the Republic of Moldova. These included the inauguration of the Exhibition of Fine Arts, reproductions depicting the Roma life and culture of the painter Nicolai Bessonov, as well as the review of the cultural program “Musical traditions of the Roma”, according to

The celebration of the International Romani Day continued with the Round Table entitled “Mechanisms for implementing public policies for Roma inclusion in the Republic of Moldova”.

“The Republic of Moldova is working to ensure the inclusion and reintegration of the Roma community. In 2013, the Government of the Republic of Moldova established the role of community mediator, which aims to facilitate communication between the Roma population and specialists in the fields of education, public health, social assistance, employment, documentation, in order to increase efficiency. intervention and cooperation and access to services “, noted the members of the Commission on Human Rights and Interethnic Relations.

The deputies gave assurances that they will make an effort in the process of promoting and perfecting the national legal framework by complementing the measures that will increase the socio-economic inclusion of the Roma, promoting equality and participation. The parliamentarians emphasized that the Roma must have the opportunity to realize their full potential and get involved in political, social, economic and cultural life.

We specify that in the Republic of Moldova live around 10 thousand Roma, according to the last census conducted in our country in 2014, which would represent 0.34% of the total number of citizens.

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