Irina Vlah wants to run as an independent presidential candidate

Irina Vlah announced that she will run as an independent candidate in the presidential elections on October 20. The former governor of Gagauzia claims that her electoral program will focus on the problems of citizens and finding solutions for them.

“I am familiar with these problems- because I am permanently with our citizens, together with them, I know what hurts them and what their expectations are. I am getting involved in this campaign with a firm commitment. The new President of the Republic of Moldova will be the guarantor of peace after we eliminate any danger to peace. We will solve all the serious problems facing the country one by one,” Vlah told a press conference at Infotag.

Alexandr Stoianoglo, Ion Chicu, Renato Usatii, Maia Sandu, Maia Sandu, Tudor Ulianovschi, and Andrei Nastase announced their intention to run for the presidency.

Also, Moldovan journalist Natalia Morari could run in the presidential elections in Moldova. 


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