Maia Sandu announced launch of Express European Village Program

Moldovan President Maia Sandu announced the completion of the first 100 projects of the national program “European Village” and the launch of a new initiative “European Village Express”. It will include development projects of localities in our country that will be implemented in a maximum of six months and that will solve the urgent problems of the communities.

“In all the visits and discussions I have with people in the localities where I travel, I am told about immediate needs for infrastructure improvements that could be done quickly and with less financial resources than large-scale projects. We requested the Government to open the call for a new “Express European Village” project competition in the immediate future, which would meet the following conditions: allow localities to implement quick projects with a maximum completion period of six months and solve the urgent needs of localities, to simplify the procedure for registering projects in the contest.

As a result, around 100 thousand people enjoy the effects of the “European Village” Program every day. More than 20 thousand people got access to drinking water, and around 34 thousand benefit from public lighting. Each completed project means concrete changes that make the lives of many people better. 14 kindergartens were renovated or equipped in just one year for almost three thousand children, we modernized nine middle schools and three high schools. 18 cultural centers were modernized and renovated, nine playgrounds, three sports fields and a public park were built. All these projects are more than just numbers. They mean localities and people who have better living conditions”, Maia Sandu said.

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