Maia Sandu handed out state awards to personalities such as performance athletes, coaches and researchers

President Maia Sandu, handed out state awards to several personalities from Moldova – performance athletes, coaches, people of culture, researchers, teachers and agricultural workers.

“We have thus honored the performance and successes these people have achieved in their professional activity. I mentioned that, in a difficult year for all of us, the best response we can give to evil is the good things we do every day – working honestly, taking care of our neighbors, contributing to the well-being of the country and the good her name. This is what each of the decorated ones did, with dedication, effort and involvement. At home or abroad, in the field or in the laboratory, on the stage, in the ring or in the classroom, they worked to do good and bring joy, so that development is stronger than destruction,” said Maia Sandu.


At the same time, Sandu thanked them for being the makers of our country.

“We called them to stay united to resist the crises. Together we can make Moldova prosperous and free. Together we can build the modern country we want and our European future. I am convinced that we can succeed through people, and today’s laureates are a good example of this”.

Maia Sandu also handed out three post-mortem awards: for the former Ambassador Valeriu Turea and for two participants in the war on the Dniester – Grigorii Căruntu and Aurel Cuconescu, former mayor of the village of VarniÈ›a.

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