Maia Sandu invited the president of Austria to visit Moldova

The Federal President of the Republic of Austria, Alexander Van der Bellen, would pay a working visit to the Republic of Moldova. The invitation was sent to the Austrian official by Sandu, during the meeting with him on Tuesday, September 20, during her trip to New York.

During the meeting, the two officials discussed the possibilities of strengthening bilateral cooperation between our country and Austria, and the reform agenda set by the Republic of Moldova.

The head of state expressed her “gratitude for the support offered to Moldova by the Austrian side for obtaining the status of a candidate country for the EU” and for the assistance received over the years through the Austrian Development Agency.

Maia Sandu invited Van der Bellen to pay a visit to the Republic of Moldova, after the October elections in Austria.


We remind you that, during the last two days, the head of state met, on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, with our partners from all over the world to discuss how we respond, in solidarity, to the economic and security challenges that the planet is going through today, how we ensure peace, democracy and the freedom of all.

On Wednesday, September 21, Maia Sandu gave a speech in the plenary session of the Assembly, in which she presented the opinion of the Republic of Moldova on this subject.

We specify that a delegation from the Republic of Moldova, which includes the country’s president, took part in the opening of the general debates of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly. The delegation also includes the Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration.

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