Maia Sandu visited the first energetically self-sufficient village

The President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, went on a working visit to Ștefan Vodă, where she discussed with the residents of Feștelita village about the problems affecting the whole country, the implications of the war in Ukraine, the increase in prices and the energy crisis.

Sandu also discussed with the residents of Feștelita village about the photovoltaic park, built with European funds, which fully ensures the energy needs of public buildings.

“In Ștefan Vodă, we talked with the residents of Feștelita village, the first locality in the country that, thanks to the photovoltaic park built with European funds, fully ensures the energy needs of public buildings. The community also implemented other important projects, which changed the face of the locality and contributed to raising the living standards of the people. This summer, Feștelita won a project within the “European Village” Program, with the help of which the construction works of the sewage system and the treatment plant will be completed”, stated Mrs. Maia Sandu.

At the same time, the president of the country informed the citizens about the measures to support the population and business announced by the Government for the next period and about the reforms initiated in the key sectors, which must produce qualitative changes in the medium and long term.


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