Maia Sandu will run for a new mandate as president of the Republic of Moldova

Maia Sandu will run for a new mandate as the President of the Republic of Moldova. This was stated in an interview for Bloomberg. Sandu expressed confidence that by 2030 the Republic of Moldova will become part of the European Union (EU).

“She said she is up for re-election next year to maintain pro-European sentiment and avoid backtracking in support of moving out of Moscow’s orbit,”– foreign journalists write.

In addition, the head of state spoke about the European course of our country, as well as the presence of Russian troops in the Pridnestrovian region.

“The secret to solving Moldova’s separatist conflict will be to pursue economic reforms and fight corruption. That will put the nation of 2.6 million — one of Europe’s poorest — on a clear EU accession path and show people in Transnistria that ties with the bloc, rather than Russia, will benefit their lives,” President Maia Sandu said.

Earlier, Moldovan journalists asked Sandu if she would run for a new mandate, but the president declined to comment on this topic, saying that other issues are now a priority.

Maia Sandu received her mandate in 2020. Then the main competitor of the head of state in the elections was the ex-president of the Republic of Moldova, Igor Dodon.

The presidential elections in the Republic of Moldova will take place in 2024. Some Moldovan politicians have already announced their intention to take part in the race for president mandate.

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