Maia Sandu’s reaction to the retrocession of the National Library building, Metropolis of Bessarabia

“The relationship between the Republic of Moldova and Romania cannot be unilateral”. This is how Maia Sandu comments on the draft law registered by a group of PAS deputies, by which the building of the former Theological Seminary in Chisinau, which houses a wing of the National Library of the Republic of Moldova, is to be transferred free of charge from state property, in the property of the Metropolis of Bessarabia, without the right of alienation, writes Nord News.

“The authors of this bill will organize public consultations and give more details. We will see what the solutions are for the concerns that have been raised. It’s too early to comment, I can only say a few things. First of all, the relationship between the Republic of Moldova and Romania cannot be unilateral. Another important thing we must say is that the few historical buildings in Chisinau that have been rehabilitated – were restored with the support of the Romanian state. This does not mean that we do not want to rehabilitate these historical buildings, but we are in an economic reality that we cannot ignore”, said Maia Sandu, the president of the Republic of Moldova.

We remind you that, on March 6, a group of deputies led by the President of the Parliament, Igor Grosu, introduced into the legislative circuit draft law no. 57, entitled “regarding the free transfer of a building”, having as its object the restitution of the building of the former Theological Seminary in Chisinau to the last legitimate church owner.


The Metropolis of Bessarabia welcomed the legislative initiative from the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova and declared that if the second block of the National Library of the Republic of Moldova is offered to it, the institution does not intend to change its destination, but undertakes to bear all the costs for restoration of the historical monument.

“The Metropolis of Bessarabia emphasizes that the legislative initiative no. 57 of March 6, 2023, does not constitute the granting of a state asset free of charge, but the restitution of a church asset to its previous owner, from before the Soviet occupation,” announced the Metropolis of Bessarabia in a statement.

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