Moldova and Lithuania will exchange classified information: where will the agreement be signed?

Moldova and Lithuania will be able to exchange classified information. The cabinet is preparing to sign the agreement. The cabinet will approve the package at the next meeting.

The initiative comes from the Information and Security Service. Foreign Minister Mihai Popsoi will sign the agreement in Vilnius at the end of May.

“The agreement contains provisions on duplication, translation, and destruction of classified information, protection measures and access to classified information, classified contracts, visits, transfer of classified information, security incidents, dispute settlement, expenses, mutual assistance, entry into force, termination or amendments,” the draft document says.

The parties will sign the agreement in Romanian, Lithuanian, and English. The parties will conclude it for an indefinite term. It will enter into force on the first day of the month after the parties have received the last written notification confirming the completion of the necessary internal procedures to apply the rules.


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