“Moldova Choose Europe” campaign in Cantemir. Find out what people think about European integration

“I think so (ed. Moldova should integrate into the European Union) because young people today also have the opportunity to develop. First of all, the roads, the prices,” or ” I believe that yes, there is a different mentality, a different quality of life.” These are the opinions of Cantemir residents when asked what they think about the EU and Moldova’s European integration.

“Of course, it’s not even up for discussion. That’s the first thing. Let’s be in line with the people. Enough is enough, so much suffering. We also want an easier life,” said a Cantemir resident.

Moldovans hope that after joining the EU, they can travel as freely as possible in EU countries.


“When I traveled to Europe, my heart cried, and I wondered, ‘Can’t we do it like this?

The Vox, conducted in the city of Cantemir, is part of the campaign launched by the REALITATEA Press Group: “Moldova Choose Europe,” in which we go to cities across the country and talk to citizens about Moldova’s accession to the European Union.

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