Moldova gets natural gas from Ukrainian reservoirs

In the last months, Moldova got natural gas through the Negru Vodă interconnection point (Romania), through Isaccea (Ukraine), or directly through the Ungheni point. However, starting January 1st, Romania is no longer used as a route for the import of natural gas by the Republic of Moldova. According to Transgaz, on January 5, the flow on the former trans-Balkan corridor reversed.

Contacted by BANI.MD, the director of Energocom, Victor Bînzari, stated that currently, the Republic of Moldova imports the gas stored in Ukraine. Methane comes into the country through the Grebenichi point.

“The gas was purchased from European traders and paid directly by the EBRD. There are certain quantities that will be delivered through the Iași-Ungheni pipeline, at the beginning of February”, said Bînzari.

At the end of December, the Republic of Moldova had about 250 million cubic meters of gas in reserves. The purchase price from Energocom is on average 1000 dollars per thousand cubic meters.


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