Moldova is set to receive significant financial support from France aimed at enhancing its forestry sector

The French Development Agency (AFD) has committed to providing financial support to bolster Moldova’s forestry sector. In a significant development, the Moldovan Government has officially signed the Credit Facility Agreement with AFD.

Under this agreement, Moldova stands to benefit from a substantial loan of 40 million euros. Additionally, AFD has pledged a grant of €1.2 million for technical assistance. These financial resources are earmarked to address the needs outlined in the state budget, particularly focusing on the implementation of crucial forestry reforms.

This credit facility agreement marks a pivotal step in operationalizing the Memorandum of Understanding inked between the Government of Moldova and AFD on 17 October 2023, within the framework of the Support Platform for Moldova. It underscores the commitment of both parties to collaborate closely in advancing Moldova’s forestry sector and fostering sustainable development.


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