Moldova to join the European Convention for the Protection of Domestic Animals

Moldova will sign the European Convention for the Protection of Domestic Animals. The Commission for Foreign Policy and European Integration members approved the relevant advisory opinion.

The European Convention for the Protection of Domestic Animals sets standards and rules to protect domestic animals from suffering and trauma caused by humans. The document outlines principles that pet owners must follow.

In particular, owners must not abandon their animals but provide them with all necessary conditions and care. It is prohibited to sell pets to persons under the age of 16 without parental consent. Surgical intervention to change the appearance of an animal is also prohibited.


The Convention’s provisions implementation will draw on financial resources from the national budget and assistance from development partners.

According to the authorities, ratification of the document will give access to European funds for animal protection and welfare programs.

The Parliament will ratify the European Convention for the Protection of Domestic Animals following the signing.

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