Moldova-Ukraine-Romania trilateral meeting on energy supply security cooperation under preparation

A trilateral meeting between Moldova-Ukraine-Romania will be organized shortly on topics related to cooperation in the security of energy supply. This was announced by the Energy Minister of Moldova, Victor Parlicov, after a meeting in Kyiv with his Ukrainian counterpart, German Galushchenko.

“In the energy sector, we have a lot of projects to realize with our colleagues from Kyiv. I discussed with Herman Galushchenko and State Secretary Yaroslav Demchenkov common priorities: increasing import capacity in Ukraine-Moldova from the European ENTSO-E system from 1,200 MW to 2,000 MW and utilizing the full potential of the trans-Balkan corridor (Greece-Bulgaria-Romania-Moldova-Ukraine), as well as underground gas deposits in western Ukraine for reliable gas supply to Central Europe, including during peak consumption periods in winter,” Viktor Parlikov said.

At the same time, the minister said that the participants in the discussions agreed to intensify the dialogue between Moldova, Ukraine, the Energy Community Secretariat, the European Commission, and ENTSO-E, to speed up the process of permanent synchronization of the Ukrainian and Moldovan energy systems with ENTSO-E, with the subsequent integration into the common European energy market.

Victor Parlicov thanked his Ukrainian counterparts for their cooperation, including in overcoming crises in the fall of 2021 and after the Russian Federation attacks on Ukraine’s civil energy infrastructure after October 10, 2022.

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