Moldova will hold joint military exercises with Romania and the United States

Moldova will host joint military exercises “JCET 2024” (Joint Combined Exchange Training) with the United States and Romania. According to the Moldovan Defense Ministry, the exercise will occur from April 1 to April 19 at the training centers in Natsarmia.

According to the press release, the purpose of the exercise is joint training and exchange of experience between Moldovan, Romanian, and American special units, as well as increasing the level of operational interaction between these groups. This year, representatives of the State Defense and Protection Service and the Pantera special forces unit will also be present at the exercise.


Soldiers of the Fulger military special forces battalion have been participating in the JCET since 2009.

The Defense Ministry added that as part of the exercise, military equipment will be moved along the country’s roads from the units to the training grounds of the National Army.

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