Moldova will not impose restrictions on the import of Ukrainian grain

The Republic of Moldova will not impose restrictions on grain imports from Ukraine. This was announced by the Minister of Agriculture Vladimir Bolya after a meeting with farmers.

However, the government promised farmers additional protection, as well as strict control of grain from Ukraine.

“We will fully subsidize the excise tax, which today stands at 3.10 lei per liter of diesel fuel used by farmers in the Republic of Moldova, which will allow them to cut their costs in autumn. The government of the Republic of Moldova is focused exclusively on the interests of the country’s agriculture, and if necessary, Moldovan agriculture will have nothing to lose”, Bolya said.

At the same time, Bolya said that the introduction of restrictions would not solve anything.

“This would not lead to an increase in selling prices for Moldovan farmers, nor to a reduction in production costs. This solution would give zero results. On the contrary, Ukraine would impose restrictions on the import of Moldovan products, and then much would be lost”, he explained.

The European Commission has adopted emergency and temporary measures regarding the import of a limited number of goods from Ukraine under the exclusive guarantee of the Autonomous Trade Measures Regulation.

The measures concern only four agricultural products – wheat, corn, rapeseed, and sunflower seeds of Ukrainian origin. They are intended to eliminate problems with the transportation of these products in Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia. The measures came into force on May 2 and will last until June 5, 2023.

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