
Moldovan Parliament denounces two more CIS agreements

The Moldovan Parliament is set to denounce two additional agreements negotiated within the framework of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). The Committee on Foreign Policy and European Integration has endorsed reports on two consultative opinions, both proposed by the Ministry of Defence of Moldova.

The denunciation will specifically target the Agreement on Military Observer Groups and Collective Peacekeeping Forces in the Commonwealth of Independent States, signed in Kyiv on 20 March 1992, as well as the Protocol outlining the temporary procedure for the formation and engagement of Military Observer Groups and Collective Peacekeeping Forces in areas of inter-state conflict and within member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States, signed on 4 August 1992.

According to the accompanying information note, the decision to denounce these agreements is rooted in the belief that maintaining the Republic of Moldova’s membership in these international instruments is not appropriate. This is attributed to the fact that Moldova does not engage in politico-military affairs within the CIS, justifying the need to terminate these agreements.


Another document to be denounced is the Agreement of the Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States on cooperation to provide technical and material assistance to the competent bodies in combating terrorism and other violent manifestations of extremism. The proposal comes from the Intelligence and Security Service, which points out that the SIS has not benefited from the provisions of this act in recent years.

In 2022, MEPs denounced 22 agreements concluded on the CIS platform in the final reading.

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