Moldovan PM in Washington. Gavrilita to attend a meeting of government leaders

On July 14-17, Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița pays a working visit to the United States. She will attend a meeting of government leaders, businessmen and scientists that will take place at Washington. There officials will discuss some of the most complex issues that humanity confronts today.

Several world-class experts will facilitate discussions on the critical challenges and consequences of recent crises at regional and international level, including the war in Ukraine, rising prices and disrupting supply chains.

Event participants aim to outline solutions, which could be implemented by global leaders, to drive positive change in their communities.


During her visit to Washington, Gavrilița will meet with American officials and representatives of the IMF and the private sector. Moldovan Prime Minister will try to promote the interests of the Republic of Moldova in the USA.

At the same time, the chief executive of Chisinau will discuss the possibility of obtaining a budget support to cover the expenses necessary for the purchase of electricity, but also the issue of rising inflation in the Republic of Moldova.

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