Moldova’s former chief of general staff passed secret information to his GRU “curator”

The former chief of the Moldovan General Staff, Igor Gorgan, regularly reported on the internal political situation in Moldova and passed data on visits by representatives of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry to his supervisor – Colonel Alexei Makarov, who is working in the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (GRU). The Insider discovered this in its investigation by accessing the correspondence on Telegram.

Igor Gorgan worked in the General Staff until the end of 2021, until President Maia Sandu sent him to resign. And on the eve of the mass expulsion of Russian diplomats from Moldova in July 2023, he took a job at the UN. Using his old connections in the Moldovan Defense Ministry, Gorgan remains an important GRU informant, the publication notes.

Igor Gorgan and Alexei Makarov began actively “cooperating” in April 2022, after the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Confidential meetings mostly took place in cafes in Chisinau or on fishing trips.

“I can meet with anyone. I’m a man of action. We have to move forward faster!!! We’re living in historic times! And we need to make that history,” writes Gorgan in one of his messages.


The publication notes that the GRU was particularly interested in what weapons Kyiv buys in neighboring countries. Including in Moldova.

“Representatives of Ukraine contacted our Defense Ministry to find a connection with the MEZON military plant. It is a former radio electronics factory in Kishinev. It produced various electronics for the Soviet army. Now representatives of Ukraine are very interested in transferring technical documentation for the tactical complex TOCHKA-U!!!,” wrote Igor Gorgan.

In addition to military information, Gorgan transmitted information about the internal political situation in the Moldovan leadership. He monitored the public speeches of President Maia Sandu. The dozens of links that Gorgan sent to the “curator” prove this fact.

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