NATO Deputy Secretary General: Moldova is a country against which hybrid tools are used to the maximum

NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană urged Moldova “to take advantage of all the opportunities offered by partnership with the EU and the North Atlantic Alliance”.

“The status of neutrality does not mean that Moldova cannot cooperate with NATO. On the contrary, NATO is increasing its political and practical support for Moldova, supporting the political intentions of joining the West, as well as strengthening the stability of the state. Sustainability is a key factor for Moldova”, said Geoană.

He believes that “Russia uses all traditional and hybrid tools in its arsenal”.

“Moldova is a country against which hybrid tools are used to the maximum to slow down economic development and see more instability in the industry. We need to improve the individual and collective opportunities, which will help us to fight the threat. It will save us from conventional attacks, cyberattacks, disinformation and attempts to interfere with democracy”, said Geoană.

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