NATO Deputy Secretary General proposes Chisinau as a candidate for the title of European Capital of Culture

NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana says that after Sibiu and Timisoara, the next Romanian city that should claim the title of European Capital of Culture is Iasi, but only with Chisinau.

These statements were made to the Romanian press, reports.

“I will fight for Romania’s next European Capital of Culture to be Iasi, but together with Chisinau. It can be realized. It will take some time, but we know how it works. We, the people of Sibiu, convinced the Luxembourgers to let us do it with them, even though it was not Romania’s turn. If we decide that Moldova should be with us in Europe, which is possible, I want that too, and I am working very hard in that direction. I think we could also find a combination with another European capital, and if we want to accelerate, I think that is also possible,” Mircea Geoana said.


The NATO Deputy Secretary General also said that it is realistic that Moldova will be in the European Union by 2030.

European Capital of Culture is an honorary title awarded by the European Parliament to one or several cities for one year.

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