Reinvent Moldova 2.0 – The Media Platform of Realitatea Media Group. “We are diverse and that is our strength.”

On the occasion of its 9th anniversary, the Realitatea Media Group has launched the Reinvent Moldova 2.0 media platform – a tribute to our homeland, which will use multiple communication and analysis tools. The first event took place on April 27.

People from various fields gathered to discuss Moldova of the future, efficient, competitive, and sustainable. Accordingly, Francesca Bonelli, Igor Șarov, Diana Boico, Sergiu Scobioală, Roman Burlaca, Luciano Scambiato Licciardi, Olesea Galușca, and Tatiana Puiu talked about how they see the “reinvention” of the country.

Francesca Bonelli, representative of the UN Refugee Agency in Moldova: “Solidarity brings opportunities”

I have seen enormous solidarity in Moldova. You are wonderful. This solidarity brings opportunities for Moldova. You have demonstrated humanity, fabulous empathy. It is important for the economy to be strong, for the country to have resources, but the wealth of the state does not only mean economy. I believe Moldova needs to be grown, then reinvented. I believe Moldova needs to be rewarded for the solidarity it has shown and that it has put its capacities on the map of international cooperation, and its potential needs to be capitalized on.

Igor Șarov, rector of USM: “Education is us”

Education is us. Everything depends on us. We must not leave it to the whims of politicians. Offering better conditions for researchers is one of our priorities. I see the future of science in the Republic of Moldova in a European context. The language and common identity with Romania offer us these possibilities.

Roman Burlaca, CEO of BR Media Group: “I will make efforts to keep young people from leaving”

I really want Moldova to confirm its status as a country that not only welcomes and understands but also provides added value to everything that means products, creation in 2030. I want and will make efforts to keep young people from leaving, to develop things at home, because that's how we can have a beautiful future and confirm our value.

Sergiu Scobioală, producer of the Realitatea press group: “The world wants original, local things. We don’t have to copy”

We are a nation that reinvents itself and we are just at the beginning. In 12 years of television, we have fulfilled many other people's dreams. It is necessary to offer support, to work, to help them. What I want to do is to thank those who have helped me to grow. If we talk now about film, there is a problem with export. We do not know how to export our products.

“The world wants original, local things. We don’t have to copy. What is our country’s project? What can we show the world? Let us not forget the past, let us see what traditions, and values we want to transmit.”


Diana Boico, founder of Indigo group of agencies: “What if each of us didn’t kill ideas from the start?”

"In many situations and business development, we haven't limited our thinking. We have pursued solutions that are not obvious. We have encouraged creative approaches to any project."

“What if each of us, in our field, in our own backyard, didn’t kill ideas from the start? This has been my personal journey in life and I acknowledge it. This is what I would like to see at a country level in the future.”

Tatiana Puiu, representative of Freedom House: “I would focus on a Moldova protected against poverty”

"I would focus on a Moldova that is protected against poverty and social exclusion, with adequate social and medical assistance, with minors protected against physical and moral dangers, with elderly people helped to be active members of the community, and with inclusion."

Luciano Scambiato Licciardi, EEAS-Chisinau, EU Delegation: “The diaspora must have opportunities to return”

"We must invest now in future generations, then they will grow old. The diaspora must have opportunities to return. Furthermore, Moldova is the country of Eugen Doga and the Zdob and Zdub band. I wish you success in reinventing it."

Olesea Galusca, Innovate Moldova: “Moldova is a creative nation”

"We have talent, we also have figures - 220 companies in the creative industries, 9,000 jobs, 3,000 freelancers. We have infrastructure. Legislation is required. Moldova Creative is required - a national development plan that is under review. We hope it will be voted on."

“We have products that we sell, that we export. Moreover, we have potential and I would like to be able to say with confidence that Moldova is a creative nation and we know how to do more than just tell stories.”

Dumitru Tira, founder of the Realitatea media group: “We are diverse and that makes us strong”

"Moldova has a future. This event is happening for us, for our children, and for everything that awaits us. We are diverse and that is our strength."

Reinvent Moldova 2.0 is an open media platform, launched by the Realitatea media group, which aims to transform and modernize the Republic of Moldova.

The Realitatea media group appeared in 2014, from the dream of seven journalists to produce a change in the philosophy of information. As a result, “Lumea Realitatea” is a public utility product and a powerful tool for modernizing the country.

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