(PHOTO/VIDEO) Moldova’s media is monitored via AI. Software received by the Broadcasting Council from the EU and USA partners

The media will be monitored using software equipped with artificial intelligence. With the joint financial support of the Delegation of the European Union, the Embassy of the United States of America, and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, it has been submitted to the Audiovisual Council (AC).

At the public event to present the software, the chairwoman of the Audiovisual Council, Liliana Vițu, recalled that the new composition of the Board of Directors has set as one of its immediate priorities the strengthening of the capacities of the monitoring team.

“The Audiovisual Council has introduced in its work a cutting-edge AI-driven monitoring platform that will speed up the control of the audiovisual contents, make it more accurate and timelier, as well as help identify cases of foreign information manipulation and malign influence.

Tremendously grateful to our cooperation partners – Ambassador Janis Mazeiks (EU), Kent Logsdon (USA), and Fred Duijn (Netherlands) for their significant financial contribution and constant support,” she said.

EU Ambassador to Moldova Jānis Mazeiks said that “the role of independent media and key media institutions such as the Audiovisual Council cannot be overstated when we talk about developing information resilience. To ensure a healthy information environment, these actors need skills and capacities to effectively address information challenges, especially those caused by Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine.”


“The equipment will improve the CA’s monitoring efficiency by automatically processing and transcribing videos into Romanian and Russian. The United States contributed $ 215 300 to this project, and we applaud the Council’s commitment to truth and transparency and fully support its critical role in fostering an educated and democratic society in Moldova,” U.S. Ambassador Kent Logsdon stressed.

At the ceremony, it was demonstrated how artificial intelligence transforms video content into text in Romanian and Russian. Thus, according to CA, monitors will identify topics and speakers in programs, benefit from quantitative content analysis, and generate monitoring reports on various topics via the platform.

The software was developed by the Spanish company Omnios. Its net value is €299,000 plus other related payments (tax and VAT) of €468,000.

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