Popsoi about the new Ukrainian ambassador to Moldova: “Appointment of Danilov as ambassador is in some way a pride for us”

The appointment of the former head of the neighboring country’s National Security and Defense Council as Ukraine’s ambassador to Moldova “is to some extent a pride for us,” Moldovan Foreign Minister Mihai Popsoi said on TV.

“As far as the appointment of Mr. Danilov is concerned, of course, a person with such experience, a person of such caliber, being appointed ambassador to Moldova, is to some extent a pride for us that the level of our relations and the importance of Moldova for our partners has increased. Therefore, such a political heavyweight coming as ambassador is a positive thing, it can only contribute to the improvement of our relations and cooperation in all the fields,” Mihai Popsoi said.

The appointment of the former head of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine, Oleksiy Danylov, as ambassador to Moldova became known on 29 March.

On March 28, the Office of the President of Ukraine published a decree on the recall of the Ukrainian ambassador to Moldova Marko Shevchenko.


On April 1, Moldovan Foreign Minister Mihai Popsoi awarded the Ukrainian ambassador to Moldova, Marko Shevchenko, with the first-degree Diplomatic Merit medal. The minister wrote about this on his Facebook page.

“Today I presented the Ambassador of Ukraine in the Republic of Moldova, Marko Shevchenko, the medal “Diplomatic merits” of the I degree. This is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova’s most prestigious award, which recognizes his outstanding services and dedication to strengthening relations between Moldova and Ukraine. During four years of service in this position, Ambassador Marco Shevchenko has made significant efforts to intensify the dialog between our countries, signed important agreements, and renewed joint efforts on the platform of the Intergovernmental Commission for Economic Cooperation. The relations between Moldova and Ukraine are becoming increasingly strong,” Mihai Popsoi wrote on his Facebook page.

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