Prime Minister Dorin Recean on the 10th anniversary of the Economic Council: Moldova is a safe place for investment

The Economic Council under the Prime Minister celebrated a decade of impactful work during a festive event attended by Prime Minister Dorin Recean, who emphasized the Council’s pivotal role in addressing challenges within the business environment and promoting investment opportunities in Moldova, as reported by the government’s communication department.

“For the past ten years, the Economic Council under the Prime Minister has been a crucial partner in facilitating dialogue between the public sector and the business community, contributing significantly to economic growth, innovation, and job creation across the country,” remarked Dorin Recean, President of the Economic Council.

Recean reiterated Moldova’s status as a secure investment destination and reaffirmed the government’s strategic objective of European integration. “Within the European Union lies the largest and wealthiest market. Moldova’s progressive implementation of free trade agreements with the EU presents exceptional opportunities for entrepreneurs,” he stated.

Highlighting the government’s commitment to fostering a favorable business climate, the Prime Minister underscored significant reforms aimed at removing barriers hindering business operations and improving conditions for entrepreneurs, recognizing their pivotal role in Moldova’s economic development.


The commemoration of the Economic Council’s decade of service brought together a diverse array of stakeholders, including business leaders, representatives from the academic community, ministers, and strategic partners of Moldova. Notable attendees included Ambassador Fern Horine of the United Kingdom to Moldova, Catarina Bjorlin Hansen, Head of the Office of the Resident Representation of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in Moldova (EBRD), and Mariana Rufa, Executive Director of the European Business Association of Moldova.

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